About us

We don't like to big ourselves up.  We prefer to leave that to others. So all we're going to say:

We have more than 40 employees, some of whom have been with us since the company was founded 25 years ago. Ten of the colleagues are tax consultants.  Different backgrounds, experiences and specialisations enrich our work. Because of our passion for new technologies, we are said to have a strong affinity for digitisation. We have offices in Mühldorf/Inn and Munich. Strongly rooted in Bavaria, we naturally advise on an international scale too.

By the way, our work has received many awards.

We know that nobody's perfect. This applies to us too of course.

All the same, long-term collaborative cooperation requires that we deal with each other openly and sincerely. Sometimes this hurts. Our experience is that this pays off.

We love working with people like us who enjoy development and growth. We believe that success is not just a question of profitability.

Our environment is important to us. We understand that we are just a tiny part of one big whole. Which is why we try to implement sustainability in everyday life as best as we can: regardless of whether this concerns purchasing renewable energy sources, reducing packaging and paper consumption or reducing unnecessary goods and data traffic. We actively monitor this.

We are grateful for what we have achieved. And feel we have a duty as a result of this. Which is why we support regional and national projects.

First and foremost, for what we do of course: tax consultancy. We are delighted about the regular awards from the Handelsblatt newspaper and Focus Money magazine. But the state government also appreciates our contribution to the environment. We were one of the first firms to be awarded the Environmental Pact of Bavaria certificate.